Protecting your business from flying intruders

Although birds may seem peaceful and harmless, their presence can cause serious problems for businesses in all industries. Some of the most common nuisance birds are pigeons, mynas, house crows and starlings. These birds can cause serious problems that require immediate attention, ranging from property damage to health hazards.

If you frequently notice bird droppings on the walls of your home, it could be a sign that there is a bird infestation in your area. Recognizing the signs of an infestation and taking preventative measures can significantly reduce the time required to effectively control bird pests. Here are some warning signs that it’s time to seek professional help:
● Birds land on roofs or ledges. ● Accumulations of droppings in bird roosts. ● Bird calls – constant noise of birds, especially chicks. ● Bird nests – nesting materials scattered around the house. ● Fragments of a bird’s nest and feathers.
Failure to heed these warning signs can result in a serious bird infestation, resulting in increased infestation and maintenance costs, as well as ongoing costs for cleaning and nest removal services.
Like other pests, guano can spread a number of diseases and pose a serious health threat. Salmonellosis, colibacillosis and histoplasmosis are infections that can cause serious illness and complications in humans. In addition to the health risks, bird infestations can create safety hazards and cause damage to buildings:
● Bird droppings are known to be slippery. When they accumulate on sidewalks or stairs, they increase the risk of slips and falls, which can lead to injury. ● Guano, feathers and nests can contaminate livestock. This could result in financial losses and potential product recalls. ● The presence of birds and their droppings can create a bad impression on clients and visitors. This can affect the reputation of your business, raising concerns about hygiene and cleanliness. ● Bird droppings are corrosive and can reduce the structural integrity of materials such as steel and concrete. Over time, this can lead to costly repairs and maintenance to restore the affected areas.


Once these nuisance birds have made your property their home, removing them and preventing their return can be a daunting task. Birds often roost in voids and spaces of buildings, causing damage and stains, making buildings more difficult than ever to maintain. For example, Hyderabad’s historic buildings are facing a serious pigeon problem. Ancient buildings have plenty of nooks and crannies for birds to nest, leaving some of the world’s most magnificent buildings covered in dirt.
The impact of guano on outdoor cultural heritage is of grave concern. Tests have shown that bird droppings can cause serious chemical reactions on surfaces. For example, uric acid in bird droppings can corrode the surface layer of copper and alter metal surfaces, making them susceptible to the damaging effects of bird droppings.
To protect against these risks, effective bird control and prevention measures are vital. TENGFEI’s range of bird control solutions offer tailored and humane strategies that not only reduce health risks, but also protect the integrity of your property. At TENGFEI, safety is a top priority in everything they do, especially when it comes to working at height, which is almost always the case when dealing with birds. Following a thorough assessment and survey of the site, TENGFEI will recommend the most appropriate solution based on a number of factors such as the type of birds present, the level of infestation, and the structure and environment of the building.

TENGFEI bird netting is an effective, elegant and beautiful solution for protecting your property from potential bird infestation. It is suitable for all high-rise buildings and is often placed on balconies, large window openings and open terraces.
Bird netting can be an immediate and effective solution at entrances and habitats to protect buildings from pest birds.
TENGFEI Deterrent or Bird Spike is one of the most powerful systems available. Designed to protect against heavy infestations, these spikes can be installed in any part of your premises, making it difficult for birds to land and forcing them to roost elsewhere. The spikes are made of stainless steel, making them a durable and economical solution.

Post time: Oct-16-2023