Best Quality Cheap bird spike, 5 row bird spike strips for hot sale, bird spikes Antibird Prevention spikes

Bird spikes are an ancient defensive decoration, typically made of metal or other hard materials, used to protect buildings, trees, or other surfaces from bird damage. Bird spikes are often designed to prevent birds from landing or building nests on surfaces, thereby reducing the threat they pose to their surroundings.

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Bird spikes come in a variety of shapes and sizes to suit different applications. Common designs for standard bird spikes include sharp stick- or needle-like structures, or metal or plastic sheets covered with slanted or curved shapes. These designs ensure that birds cannot land or build nests on them without causing serious harm to the birds.

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Bird spikes are commonly applied to surfaces such as building roofs, beams, railings, sculptures, signage and trees. They can effectively protect these structures, prevent birds from staying or building nests on them, and reduce the pollution of the surrounding environment by bird droppings. In addition, bird spikes protect crops and fruit trees from damage caused by birds

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Post time: Feb-27-2024